Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Blogging - Developing A Readership

You've finally created a blog and you've made your first post. Now how do you get people to actually read what you're blogging about?

Here are some tips on promoting your blog.

1) Quality Content - Interesting content will keep your readership returning. Update your blog regularly.

Googlebot, which is Google's web-crawling robot loves content. The more you update your blog, the more frequent the search engine spiders will return to it.

2) Take part in forums that are related to blogging. Ask other bloggers for their opinion on your blog and take their suggestions to heart.

Ask other bloggers for their opinion on your blog and take their suggestions to heart.

3) Publish an RSS/Atom/XML feed. If you're using Blogger, you can turn on RSS feed by clicking on settings in your dashboard and then clicking on site feed and make sure that your settings are set to yes.

4) Carefully choose your subject titles, taking into consideration what other internet users may be searching for.

Use keywords in your title. I suggest subscribing to Word Tracker. Their report of the most popular searches is published each Tuesday and distributed to over 30,000 subscribers. , is a blog search engine that also lists the top search words. The more targeted your keywords are, the greater your return in search engines will be.

5) Involve yourself in commenting on other blogs. You can gain a loyal readership just by offering feedback to your fellow bloggers. The comment feature allows you to add a link back to your blog as well.

6) Be sure to include your blog address in forum signatures and in your email signature.

7) Submit your blog to directories.

Submit your blog's url to Technorati, Daypop, Blogdex and Popdex.

8) Write articles. Include a resource box in your article and submit it to article directories such as

9) If you're using blogging software such as Blogger, there is an option to notify the central blog update services (such as whenever you've made a new entry to your blog. Make sure that this option is turned on! In blogger, click on publish in your dashboard and make sure that your settings are set to yes under notify weblogs. Alternatively, you can go to and send out a ping each time you update your blog. This lets everyone know that you've just updated your blog.

10) Link to other blogs. Use services like blogrolling, which is similar to linking. Blogrolling allows you to maintain an updated list of your favorite blogs. But, don't build a long blog roll of sites that you have no intention of returning to. There is nothing more annoying then visiting a blog that has a humongous blogroll.

Be patient, traffic doesn't happen overnight. The best way that I've found to increase traffic is by getting to know people. Spend what free time that you have, reading blogs, leaving feedback and building friendships. Try to leave comments on the blogs that you visit as often as you can. While you are waiting for the traffic to come, just enjoy blogging. You'll be improving your writing in the process.

Eventually you'll build a network of not just readers, but friends and loyal supporters. Blogging is not just about marketing; it's about creating lasting relationships.

Rose DesRochers is the founder of Blogger Talk Blog Community, a friendly fast growing blogging portal, offering bloggers support, advice, tools, tips and information about blogs and blogging. She is also the administrator of Today's Woman Writing Community, a supportive online writing community for men and women over 18.Benni Blog31468
Annecorinne Blog96491

Does It Really Matter Whom I Buy My My Security System From?

"Does It Really Matter Whom I Buy My Home Security System From?

Well, could it really make a difference?

Here are a few things to think about:

1) Are they properly licensed as a low voltage company in your state & fully insured with liability & Workman's comp? (Have them send a fax copy of proof of insurance)

2) Will all workers (Including subcontractors) that may enter my home or business be covered by this insurance?

3) Are there any complaints registered with the Better Business Bureau regarding their work?

4) What professional organizations do they belong to?

5) Do they only give away FREE systemsor can you buy the system outright & have whomever you choose monitor it?

Most security system companies don't make the majority of their profit from selling security systems; instead it comes from the monitoring contract. That is why they are so willing to give them away for "FREE". (I am not saying there is anything wrong with choosing a "FREE" system. In fact, depending on your circumstances, sometimes it just makes sense. However I just wanted you to be aware of this.)

6) Always ask if they offer the option to buy the system outright and monitor it without a contract.

7) Did you know that monitoring contracts can be so profitable that there are business plans written that are entirely based on simply buying and selling monitoring contracts?

So the question is: You may know who is monitoring your home security system today...but who will be monitoring it tomorrow?

There is a big difference between an authorized alarm dealer ....and just another marketing company. Marketing companies know just the right words on how to make an unbelievable offer on a home security system simply irresistible. But remember this, their goal is often to "quick flip" or sell your contract at a profit. So what kind of customer service do you think you will get down the road when you have a problem, or worse yet a break in?

So always ask up front...are you an authorized alarm dealer?

8) And , will you be selling my alarm monitoring contract in the future?

9) Who will be warranting my home security system?

10) How long is the warrantee? (A new security system should be warranted for a minimum of 12 months)

11) If there is a problem after the warrantee expires...whom do I call & how much will it cost to have a technician evaluate my problem?

12) When I call in for customer service issues...will I get to talk to a live person...or just a machine?

13) Can my new equipment be monitored by anybody...or is it "Proprietary equipment" (In other words, will the equipment ONLY work with their monitoring services only?)

14) Will my home be monitored by a "local" monitoring company...or a "National " one? (For a detailed article on "Local Verses National" monitoring see the link in the authors box of this article)

If they even hesitate for a moment...

you may want to keep on looking for the right home security system consultant to work with.

Frank CheshireCheshire is an Atlanta, Georgia Home Security Systems Consultant. Audre Blog71839
Biddie Blog86758

Know Your Credit Rights

Building a good credit history is extremely important. The way you handle your credit has a big impact on your way of life, your career, the way you conduct business with others, and even on the place where you live. Employers, money lenders, property owners, and business owners can all consult your credit history when determining whether or not to do business with you.

For this reason, you need to learn how credit is given and why it is rejected. In the United States, the federal government has enacted several major laws that control consumer credit including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Each of these laws gives consumers certain rights and responsibilities in the money lending process.

Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is included as Title VIII of the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The main focus of this law is on guaranteeing ethical practices in the method of collecting debts from consumers. The law encourages just, rational, and non-discriminatory treatment of consumers by forbidding debt collectors from taking unjust, offensive, or misleading actions.

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act includes the following provisions:

1. Debt collectors are allowed to contact other people, aside from the debtor himself, only to find out the whereabouts of the debtor.

2. Debt collectors aren't allowed to contact the debtor before 8:00 am and after 9:00 pm local time.

3. Debt collectors aren't permitted to intimidate, pressure, or make threats of legal action or arrest to the consumer if it is not duly planned, considered, or made known to third parties.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

The Fair Credit Reporting Act upholds the confidentiality, discretion, and truth of information used in creating consumer credit reports. The Act controls the distribution, collection, and utilization of credit information and gives consumers a way to dispute incorrect information on their credit reports. Under this law, consumers are entitled to the following actions:

1. Credit bureaus are permitted to provide credit reports only to those with lawful business causes. Only entities such as insurers, employers, creditors, housing providers, and government agencies are allowed to receive an individuals credit report as part of the evaluation process.

2. Consumers must be able to access their credit reports in order to ensure the datas correctness. In cases of denied credit, consumers have the right to know which credit bureau issued the report to the lender. This way, the consumer will be able to check if there are any discrepancies on the report.

These are just some of the rights consumers enjoy under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, although there are many more. Its important to understand your rights in case you ever wind up in trouble with regard to your credit. However, unless youve studied American credit laws in depth, you may need additional assistance if you feel youre being treated unfairly. Seeking legal assistance from a reputable credit counseling service or an attorney experienced in consumer credit may be the best way to get your credit affairs in order.

This article was published by Sarah Russell on Smart Young Money a collection of money management resources for teens and young adults. For great information on using credit, managing debt and more for young people, visit Blog18052
Becka Blog80028

Investing In China: Hiring, Firing And Labor Law

One of Chinas major attractions for foreign investors is its low labor costs. In the central provinces entry-level laborers can be hired for as little at US$60 per month and college graduates work for as little as US$150 per month, although labor costs in the more affluent coastal provinces are about three times as high. Furthermore, because there is a shortage of skilled labor and white collar management in the coastal provinces, additional incentives might be required to attract highly qualified employees (this is not so much of a problem in the central and western provinces). Employers can be recruited and hired directly in most cases, although there are many public and private employment agencies that will assist the foreign investor in recruiting qualified staff. In joint ventures, the Chinese partner is usually responsible for recruitment, although this is something that can be negotiated between the parties.

Employment law in China is in some ways more protective of employees than US labor law. Labor matters in China are generally governed by the P.R.C. Employment Law (although certain other national legislation also provides guidance). Where national law is silent, provincial and local laws apply, but in the event of a conflict between provincial/local laws and the Employment Law, the Employment Law prevails, much in the way as federal law trumps state law in the US.

Employment contracts are generally required and normally stipulate probation periods of no more than six months. A thirty-day advance notice and good cause are normally required in order to fire an employee after the expiration of the probation period (although employee incompetence and company business reverses considered good cause subject to certain restrictions). An employee can be immediately fired for serious misconduct.

The eight-hour workday and the forty-hour workweek are standard for blue collar employees, overtime pay is mandated by law, and there are legal limitations on how much overtime can be required. Paid leave is also required, although the required length varies according to local regulations (usually not exceeding two weeks per year). There are special protections on the type of labor that can be assigned to women and teenagers, and the minimum working age is 16. None of this should be unfamiliar to those familiar with prevailing US labor practices.

Nevertheless, Chinese labor law does include certain unique features that foreign investors should be aware of:

(1) In the event of a labor dispute, arbitration is required before the case can be taken to court.

(2) There are three funds to which both employer and employee must contribute:

1. Endowment Insurance (a kind of social welfare fund) the employee contributes 5% of his salary, employer pays an amount equal to about one-fourth of the employees salary (amounts vary by locality).

2. Unemployment Insurance the employee pays 1.0%, employer pays 2.0%.

3. Hospitalization Insurance Employee pays 2.0%, employer pays 8.0 %.

In each of the foregoing cases, the employer deducts the employee portion from the employees paycheck, but must pay the employers portion out of its own pocket in addition to the employees regular wages. Also keep in mind that the foregoing amounts may vary somewhat according to locality. There are also certain funds that employers must contribute to, such as an employee labor union fund (generally about 2% of payroll).

A prospective foreign investor would do well to keep abreast of breaking developments in this area, because the law is rapidly evolving.

David A. Carnes is a California attorney currently working as a legal advisor for California Industrial City (Zhengzhou) Development Co., Ltd. in Zhengzhou, China. His website is Blog46499
Alisha Blog535

Multiplicity of Debt Consolidation Program is a Boon

Debt consolidation program are especially meant for people who are facing debt problems. And debt problems are of nature which once starts growing; it becomes very difficult to stop them. But as well said iron cuts an iron in the same manner a debt is used to finish the debts of a person. The financial market termed the way of handling debts as debt consolidation program.

Debt consolidation program provides different ways to manage debts. Today various financial companies provides debt consolidation program as per the problem of person. Generally these companies have panel of credit experts who listens to the problem of person and evaluate it. And finally suggest a way to come out of debt problem.

Choosing an appropriate Debt consolidation program is very crucial decision as single wrong decision can worst up your credit situation.

Debt consolidation program is also considered as quickest and cheap mode to manage debts. On availing debt consolidation program the person can reduce his monthly outgoing of money. As the lender of the debt consolidation program combines all the debts of a person and let him pay single monthly installment. In other words it let the person deal with the single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors. It also leads to reduction in the rate of interest. In debt consolidation program the lender negotiates with the creditors of the borrower to reduce the amount of debts. The principal amount of debt is not reduced rather the reduction lies in the various other cost of the loan and even waiving penalties of loan if any.

Usually there are several other ways to eliminate the debts such as IVAs, r bankruptcy. But they are considered as bad credit for a person. So, it is always advisable that the person should avoid such mode. On the other hand, availing debt consolidation program adds to the credit report of a person if timely payments of installments are made to the lender.

Other ways of managing debts which forms a part of debt consolidation program are debt consolidation loan, mortgage or remortgage etc. The functions performed by these are same that is handling debts. But, the person avail it as per his needs because loan may be better suited to person than mortgage and vice versa. This is the reason that why the person is suggested to consult a credit advisor before availing any debt consolidation program.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She works for the UK Debt Consolidations. To find Debt consolidation program, business debt management, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans that best suits your needs visit Blog70130
Anett Blog68683

Keeping Track Of Credit Card Spending

Credit card spending can be hard to keep track off if you are not disciplined, but it is important to monitor your spending in order to stop yourself getting into huge debt. If you are having trouble keeping tracking of what you spend on your credit cards, then here are some useful tips to help you control your spending.

Take stock and stop spending

Before you do anything, you should stop spending on your credit card and look at the situation you are currently in. Whether you have virtually no balance or a large debt, it is important to see exactly how much you have spent. This is the first step to managing your spending.

Make notes on your spending

Once you know what the situation is, start using your credit card as you normally do and monitor your spending. Take notes every time you spend money on your credit card, and look at how much you spend and what you spend it on. By dividing what you spend into categories you can see the areas that you are spending the most money, and where you can cut back on your spending.

Transfer balances

If you have a number of credit cards, then transfer the balances onto the lowest interest cards if possible. This will reduce the amount that you are paying in interest on your balances.

Get rid of cards

Once you have paid off some of your balances, then you can get rid of some of the cards that you have. You should make sure that you have only one or two credit cards, as this will help you to more easily keep track of spending.

Create a budget

Create a budget for yourself that you can stick to. If you look at how much you earn each month, and the subtract all the essential bills and spending from that, you will see how much money you have left to spend on extra things. Make sure that you stick to this budget, as it will help you to spend wisely and not get into debt.

Bank online

Banking online can really help you to keep track of your credit card spending. You can easily check your balance at any time of the day or night, and can instantly see what you have spent daily. Also, you can transfer your bank statements into an accounts program to better help you manage your money.

Credit cards for emergencies

Although spending on credit cards is a fact of life for most people, you should try and keep credit card spending to a minimum, and keep the cards handy for emergency situations. Also, try and save some money each month, as this will reduce the need for credit cards. Credit cards are a very useful financial tool, and if you monitor your spending properly then you will get the most out of your credit cards.

Peter Kenny is a writer for Please visit us at Credit Cards and Credit Cards UKBarbabra Blog49206
Alicia Blog34103

Say 'No' To Aging - Anti Aging Secrets

We all have seen our grandparents and parents grow old and most of us protest against the idea of aging in the same ways they did. In fact, we look for safer, more convenient and medically sound way to live longer, empower ourselves, and remain healthy throughout life. We may refer to it as 'quality longevity.' The everyday choices that we make have a greater impact on us than genetics, which account for only one-third of what determines our health as we age.

Hence, the quality of life is very much in our hands. Empowering ourselves for the future requires learning new skills as well as honing the ones we already have. Try some of these strategies to live longer, feel and look younger.

Sharpen your mind:

A sharp mind helps in staying fit. We're more inclined to have good relationships, eat well and live a healthy lifestyle with a sharper mind. Doing mental aerobics can improve memory and lower your risk for Alzheimer's disease. A recent study found that when we keep our minds active, brain efficiency increases dramatically, even after just a few weeks. Try different approaches to expanding your mental horizons, whether it's travelling to new destinations, learning a musical instrument, or going back to school. Stay mentally active through puzzles, games, reading and other stimulating hobbies, but be sure to train and not strain your brain.

Cultivate healthy relationships:

Socially connected people have longer life expectancies than isolated individuals. Cultivate intimacy with your partner since good sex makes for a longer life. Not only does it bring people closer together, it lowers blood pressure, reduces pain, promotes restful sleep and boosts the immune system so we are better able to fight off infections. Our ability to understand another person's emotional viewpoint and to express that understanding is the social glue that keeps us together.

Reduce stress:

We can't completely eliminate stress from our lives, but we can learn healthier responses to it. We all can try to minimise stress to live longer and better. You can do it in many ways. Like control clutter in your home. Get more realistic about how much you take on each day. Try eliminating just a few items from your to-do list. Regular meditation reduces stress and also boosts the immune system. Empower yourself with the word 'no.'

Think positive:

Optimists have a greater life expectancy than pessimists. Make an effort to see the cup half-full. Recent studies show that we can learn optimism when we set our minds to it. Discover your spiritual life. Attending a house of worship once a week is associated with a seven-year-longer survival compared with never attending. Take care of your needs. Satisfied people are twice as likely to survive compared with dissatisfied individuals.

Manage your environment:

Our environment has a big influence on how we feel and how long we live. Whether it's traffic, noise, or other aspects of the environment at large, or more personal environmental issues such as aesthetics or bedroom temperature, our 'quality longevity' requires that we not only adapt to these influences but learn to shape them to meet our individual tastes and needs. Bear in mind function and aesthetics when designing your home and workspace. Manage your technology to avoid information overload.

Michael Douglas is a beauty expert and the webmaster of which investigates all aspects of aging - from psychology to make-up.Caril Blog46499
Ailee Blog45711

Select a Web Hosting Provider before Launching a Website

Select a Web Hosting Provider before Launching a Website

Now that you have completed the website and are launch it on the internet, you need to consider two main questions. First - where you will host your new site and what will be your domain name?

To start with the first thing- the Web Hosts. A Web Hosting Provider is a group that provides you with server space on the web for your web site. The space that is allotted to your website includes all your web pages, graphics, scripts and files, databases etc. The web host is the link between the browser and your website. When your web address is typed into a browser, the web host is the first to be contacted and requested to locate and display the requested page.

You can find a number of free web hosting providers and services on the internet. However, if in case you are planning to create a website with a business purpose in mind, then go for professionals web hosting providers instead of the free web hosting services. These professional web hosting providers ensure more credibility since web sites hosted on free servers are not taken seriously and suffer a serious loss of business due to varied reasons. Unfortunately, for those of us who are on shoe-string budgets that rely on free servers are not taken seriously and can lose business. In order to establish credibility, you must be willing to invest in a professional web hosting service.

While selecting your web hosting provider, do some research about the web hosting company as to how many customers do they serve, their uptime percentage visitors, set up fees, do they offer secure servers etc. Make sure you do your homework efficiently and ensure that the web hosting provider you select for your self offer exactly what you need for your website.

Apart from selecting your web hosting provider, a domain name is as important to select. It is used to relate the particular web site on the web and is that part of the URL that basically instructs the web browser to find a particular page from the search engine content. It is important in the sense that it has to create a brand among the consumers, and it should signify what your business is all about. A good domain name is one that will be easily remembered by the visitors, as it relates to something they are interested in.

Each of them has the same data base that contains all the domain names that have been already registered. You can register your domain name with any one of them. There are many companies available online that will help you out to register a domain name for your website and are efficient web hosting provider.

Amit Kothiyal is operating a web hosting provider directory Here you can find a wide range of web hosting providers. Browse our website to find the best web hosting packages and the lowest prize.Amelita Blog81166
Andriette Blog56677

College FAQ: Answers To Common Questions About College

* What is the difference between a college and a university?

The term college refers to an educational establishment which grants bachelor degrees in science, liberal arts, both, or in one specific study area. On the other hand, a university encompasses undergraduate studies, graduate and professional schools. A university is composed of different colleges.

* What is the difference between a Major degree and a Minor degree?

A major degree covers academic subjects where your study is chiefly concentrated, while a minor degree is classified as your second choice for scholastic specialization. Most often, the minor requires fewer credit hours than the major field of study.

* What are some ways to prepare for college financially?

Parents often start preparing financially for college when a child is very young, by investing in educational plans or mutual funds and opening a college savings account in a bank. Students can also begin saving money for their college education by having part-time jobs while they are still in high school.

* When is a good time to start applying for financial aid?

Start early. The sooner the better. Once you decide to enroll in college and you think you will need financial aid, then it is best to apply as soon as you qualify with the entrance examination.

After your parents have obtained their financial documents and other pertinent data such as income tax returns, you can file for financial assistance.

* Where can you find information about available scholarships?

There are various ways to search for available scholarship grants. You may want to start asking your local government if they have scholarship aids being offered. You may also want to check other centers for you to obtain the scholarships that you want:

- Guidance counselors

- Church

- Community Foundations

- Other Volunteer Organizations

- Chamber of Commerce

* How do you apply for local scholarships?

You need to prepare all important documents such as your academic performance report and your parents' financial statements. Before you fill out any form, carefully read the eligibility terms for each scholarship and choose only the ones suited for you.

After you have chosen the appropriate local scholarship for you, then it is time to fill out the forms needed. One important document you need to provide, together with your scholarship forms, is your cover letter citing the need for financial aid.

* Can you be awarded more than one scholarship to the same school?

Yes. Depending on the school rules and regulations, you may be eligible to have more than one scholarship at the same school. Most often, several scholarships are granted if it is under the "school scholarships" category. However if it falls under the "college scholarship" category then you are more likely to obtain one scholarship but can still acquire others outside your college jurisdiction.

* When should I apply to the college of my choice?

You can start applying to colleges as early as your junior year in high school. Make sure. though. that before you fill out any college application forms, your SAT or ACT results are handy.

If you have not started processing college applications during your junior year, you can still do so in your senior year. You need to prepare pertinent documents and fill out applications, together with your cover letter. You may also visit the school's admissions office for further information.

Clyde Earhardt is editor of, the online College guide. He also writes College FAQ's for Blog40950
Alex Blog52245

10 Tips to Protect Your Basement from Mold Growth

Does your basement ever flood? Is your basement ever damp? If so, you may need to inspect your basement for mold, and possibly remodel it to remove the mold.

You may suspect hidden mold if your basement smells moldy, but you cannot see the source. You may know there has been water damage, but not think there is mold. Mold may be hidden in places such as the back side of drywall, behind wallpaper, or paneling, the top side of ceiling tiles, underneath carpets and pads, etc.

Mold could also be hidden around leaking pipes, or pipes that are constantly covered with condensation. Heat and air conditioning ducts also can hide mold that can affect your family.

You may want to hire an experienced professional when investigating in your basement for mold, because sometimes when looking for mold, spores can be released that are dangerous for your health. You would be amazed at how many mold spores can be released when pulling off basement wallpaper.

Conventional construction materials used in basement remodeling and basement construction in the past are perfect for mold growth. Since they frequently contain wood and paper based products, they provide a great food source for mold, as well as soaking and holding water for long periods of time.

Here are some tips for preventing mold growth in your basement:

1. Control mold growth by acting quickly when water leaks or spills in your basement. Make it a goal to have any basement leaks or spills to be completely dry in 24-48 hours.

2. Make sure the ground outside your home slopes away from the building, so water is directed away from the house instead of collecting and leaking into the basement.

3. Purchase a humidity meter at the hardware store, and keep basement humidity below 60 percent.

4. If you see a lot of condensation on your basement pipes or basement windows, work fast to reduce humidity and dry those surfaces. Lots of condensation can be a sign of high humidity in your basement.

5. Run a dehumidifier in your basement. It will do wonders to pull moisture out of the air, preventing mold growth.

6. Make sure clothes dryers are vented outside of the basement, not inside. The moisture from drying clothes stays in the air and can encourage basement mold growth.

7. If you have a shower in your basement bathroom, install an exhaust fan to pull moist air out of the bathroom while the shower is running.

8. Cover cold surfaces like cold basement water pipes with insulation to prevent basement condensation.

9. Increase the temperature of your basement. Hot air can hold more moisture without causing condensation on basement surfaces.

10. Use fans to keep the air moving. A well ventilated basement will be less likely to become moldy.

Chad KimballArdeen Blog24592
Amelita Blog81166

Mortgage After Bankruptcy: These Steps Could Help

If you want to increase your chances of qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy, here are some steps you can take:

First, if you plan to apply for a mortgage after bankruptcy, you will want to have any inaccurate or obsolete negative information on your credit reports corrected or removed. This can help increase your credit score.

Also, you will want to establish some new accounts, and pay them in a timely manner over time. If you've paid the accounts on time for about 18-24 months since your bankruptcy, this should help rebuild your credit - which can be a plus when applying for a mortgage after bankruptcy.

Next, you will want to work with an experienced mortgage broker. Why? Because buying a home is probably going to be one of the biggest investments you'll make. You will want to have an experienced professional guiding you through the lending process - especially when it comes to applying for a mortgage after bankruptcy.

A mortgage broker typically has access to dozens of lenders and will probably have a good idea of which ones will (and will not) approve you for a mortgage after bankruptcy. In addition, they will be able to tell you what to expect in terms of the financing process.

So how do you find a mortgage broker? One way is to to ask friends or real estate agents for a referral. Once you have a few names, set up an appointment to interview each mortgage broker.

Among other questions, you will want to know if they have successfully been able to get other individuals a mortgage after bankruptcy. You also want to make sure they are licensed.

Another question you will want to ask is what type mortgage loan (A, B, C, or D) the mortgage broker thinks you can qualify for. Why? The lower the grade of the loan, the higher the interest rate. This is an important consideration when applying for a mortgage after bankruptcy.

In addition, there are other important questions you will want to ask a potential mortgage brokers - ones that could help you save money and/or increase your chances of qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy. While there isn't enough room to cover them here, I go into detail on them in After Bankruptcy Credit Solutions.

Also make a point to bring your financial information with you when you meet with a mortgage broker. For example, you should have your income and expenses available as this will help the broker determine the loan amount you may be able to qualify for when it comes to a mortgage after bankruptcy.

Generally speaking, most lenders will allow you to get a home loan with a payment of up to 28% of your gross income. So if you make $4,000 per month, that would be $1,120. But keep in mind that this just an example. Again, a good mortgage broker can explain the criteria that each lender has.

If you have copies of your credit reports from each of the major credit reporting agencies (Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union) this will help also. Your credit report will play a major role when it comes to qualifying for mortgage after bankruptcy.

On that note, if you want to increase your chances of qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy, make sure that any inaccurate or obsolete negative information is removed from your credit report. This is important for two reasons: (1) It can mean the difference between qualifying or not qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy, and (2) if you end up qualifying for mortgage after bankruptcy, any inaccurate or obsolete negative information on your credit report could cost you up to $1,000s or even $10,000s in additional interest.

How do remove any inaccurate or negative information from your credit report, so you can improve your chances of qualifying for a mortgage after bankruptcy? There are specific steps you need to take. While I cover them in After Bankruptcy Credit Solutions, there is not enough room to go into detail here. Just remember that ideally you want rebuild your credit history before applying for a mortgage after bankruptcy.

By the way if you think that removing inaccurate or negative information from your credit reports takes a long time, I have good news. There is a way to have it removed in as little as 72 hours - the service is typically not available directly to consumers. In After Bankruptcy Credit Solutions I show you how to find this type service if you are trying to qualify for a mortgage after bankruptcy.

In this article we touched on two important steps you can take if you plan on applying for a mortgage after bankruptcy: Correcting or removing any inaccurate or obsolete negative information from your credit reports, and finding a mortgage broker to guide you through the lending process.

Copyright © 2006 Innovative Solutions Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

The company and product/service names referenced in this article are the trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. None of the owners have sponsored or endorsed this article.


This information is designed to provide only a general overview of the subject matter herein.

This information is provided with the understanding that neither the publisher nor author is engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought.

Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss or damages, including but not limited to special, consequential, incidental or other damages, caused by the information contained herein.

R. Lawrence Anderson is the author of After Bankruptcy Credit Solutions which shows individuals how to qualify for credit & loans after bankruptcy. For more information visit: Blog74733
Allissa Blog80149

How To Correct A Slow Running Computer

You push the power button on your computer and 5 minutes later you're finally ready to start computing.It seems as though it takes forever and a day for your computer to get going,Why?

Most likely,the main reason your system is dragging the ground is because of all the junk that runs in the background that you don't see.These are applications you may have installed over time.

Such utilities as scanner drivers, and hard drive monitors can swallow up memory and cpu processes,not to mention adware and spyware creeping into your system.These affect both your computer's bootup process and performance during normal operations.

Another reason for slow pc bootup and performance may be the simple fact that your computer is aging. Computers running Windows 98 and Windows Me with cpu speeds of 500mhz or less are good candidates for slow operation.These system often have inadequate RAM Memory as well.

OK,so you,re no doubt asking, how can you correct this ever present,nagging problem.If your system was purchase when dinosaurs roamed the earth,consider upgrading by adding more memory,a larger hard drive,and if possible a faster cpu.

You can free up hard drive space by deleting files and applications you don't use often.Improve performance by not overlooking basic pc maintenance.Running scandisk and Defragment are crucial to pc preformance.And try third party memory management programs.

Running scandisk will find and attempt to correct errors on your hard drive.System Defragment will free up hard drive space by re-arranging files in an orderly manner.This allows the cpu to find files much faster and not have to roam all over the hard drive to load files into memory.

You can get more bang for your buck by purchasing a faster computer however.When adding the costs of components and the increase in speed and performance you will gain,you may come out better to purchase another system.

Windows operating system have a utility named Msconfig that can display programs that bootup and instantly run on your computer. To start Msconfig,select Start,Run,and type "msconfig" without the quotes,in the Run dialog box.Msconfig does not show all programs running in the background however.

If you have Windows XP as your operating system, try to delete all files in the prefetch directory. Windows XP Professional monitors files that are used when the computer starts and when you start programs.

When Windows XP Professional monitor these files, it prefetches them.Prefetching data is the process whereby data that is expected to be requested is read ahead into the cache. Prefetching boot files and applications decreases the time needed to start Windows XP Professional and start applications.

These files if not deleted will lower system resources and slow pc performance by loading programs that are no longer being used.To delete these files,open C,your system drive, and go to windows/prefetch.Delete all files or at least those more than 3 weeks old and, reboot.

Try to check to see if your computer and the CPU Chip are not overheating. Excessive heat will cause your system to perform much closer.Make sure your computer is well ventilated

A really neat and free utility that does a great job at displaying all programs is Merijins free startup utility which configure programs at utility is simple to use and should not add more burden to your computer.

Another utility called Process Explorer ,Sysinternals Tutoring at can be used and this utility allow you to disable each program.

And when it comes to correcting slow computer performance, you can be your own worst enemy.And just how is this? The word procrastination means to put off today what we can do tomorrow. Such simple tasks as running scandisk and defrag are often put off until a more convenient time.

Don't let procrastination or anything else get in the way of boosting the performance of your computer. You'll thank yourself many times over when you see the results. You will also have the knowledge to help others boost their computer's performance as well.And that can always be a blessing to someone.

Otis F. Cooper is the author of the award winning PC Super Pack,the Computer Training By Video course.For hundreds more free PC repair tips,sign up for his bi-monthly newsletter and learn the PC free at http://www.ultimatepcrepair.comCalypso Blog6285
Anna Blog80782

Old Railings In Wrought Iron

The wrought iron railing gives old look to your porch and the staircases. The look is spoiled if one of the railing breaks and the complete set of staircase railing will need to be replaced. Here is some advice if your railings need some DIY repairs.

Wrought iron railings are in vogue since the seventeenth century. At that time, the metallurgy was just starting to shape as a science and the iron railings were regarded as work of art. The wrought iron railings are long lasting and corrosion resistant. Unfortunately, the wrought iron railings are not shock resistant and if anything falls on the railings, the railings are sure to break.

Breakage in one of railings would mar the look of entire staircase or the hand railing of the porch. If you know the repairs, you may be able to bring the railings to near original conditions

Tools for Repairs of wrought Iron Railings

Wrought iron railings can be repaired to near perfect conditions if you do it carefully. The repairs can never restore the railings to its original conditions. The tools for the repairs are available with any DIY enthusiast. You will require

1. Drilling Machine
2. Drill bits 1/4 and 3/8
3. Riveting set
4. Hack saw
5. Glue Cement
6. Metal Cement
7. Wood working tools
8. Files

Repairs To Pipe Of Railings

Welding of the wrought iron railings is very difficult and even when you weld the railings, you are not sure when the welding would fail. A welded pipe may cause a serious accident when it breaks again. Hence, the broken pipes are never welded.

Instead, you may try to repair the broken pipe by reinforcement internally. The pipe should be taken out from the railings and taken to your DIY workshop. The inside of the pipe could be strengthened by a inserting steel pipe or turned wooden pole of internal diameter of pipe.

If the internal of wrought iron pipe is not smooth, the wooden pole may have to be turned further so that it fits the pipe without force or hammering the wood. If you try force, you will ruin the wrought iron pipe beyond repairs.

When the pipe or wooden pole fits the wrought pipe from inside, it gives strength to the wrought iron pipe. The ends can then be joined with help of glue or metal cement.

Remember that the strength comes from the pipe or wooden pole inserted inside the wrought iron railings. The glue helps in giving the look rather than the strength. If the wrought iron railing has more than two pieces, it needs careful fitting before application of glue or riveting. Make sure that the all the pieces come together and the internal pipe or wooden pole is not visible from outside.

Mounting Poles Or Base of Wrought Iron Railings

If the base of railings has cracked, or the eyelet of railing pipe needs repairs, it might be done by stitch welding. Many firms offer the repair service for this kind of work and offer guarantees. The failure of eyelets or the base is very infrequent and this is best left to the experts. Wrought iron welding or cast iron welding is a specialized job and if you try to do it in a DIY way, you will surely fail

Adam Peters use to write for .If you would like more information on this topic please checkout his website at Blog18243
Bellina Blog24639

Things You Must Know Before Hiring A Limousine Online

Hiring a limousine is not as simple as you think and your limousine rental service, might just take you for quite a ride, if your not very careful. Its therefore quite important that you select a good and reliable limousine service and ensure a smooth and safe ride all the way.

Quite often, you can judge how a limousine service treats their customers through a telephone inquiry. If your call is answered promptly and courteously by a company and if they give you all the important and relevant information without hesitating, you can be assured that they are a good bet.

While looking at web sites of limousine operators, its best to check if they have a fixed line number and a physical contact address. A mobile number or just a vague p.o. box number are signs of poor or fly by night operations.

It's also important to see if the web site of the company whose services you're considering hiring, displays images of their own vehicles. Many companies use pictures of brand new limousines but have cars that are battered and beaten. Its best to physically examine the cars.

There are times when you might come across agents who will tell you that they can secure quotations on your behalf. In such cases, the limousine operators pay for each inquiry they receive or a percentage of the hire value. It means that you will pay a higher price than you would otherwise These brokers often make claims that their limousine operators as "accredited" or "approved". It's best to stay away from such types.

Price is an important determining factor. Note that all limousine operators so not charge the same price. A professional limousine operator generally charges $45 an hour for a minimum of 4 hours for a car like a sedan while a stretch limousine may cost $60. A super stretch limousine may cost o a few dollars more. Even if you have to pay a slightly higher price in order to hire a service from a reputed and established limousine operator, it's always worth it.

It's also important to keep in mind the duration that you will need the limousine for. It generally takes about an hour to prepare a limousine for dispatch. Therefore, most operators ask for a minimum charge or a minimum hire duration of 3 hours or so. This is generally higher during peak periods like Christmas, New Year's Eve etc. The minimum hire charge is most likely to be in the region of 150.

Another important question is reliability. Stretch limousines are expensive to maintain and repair and poor companies often overlook any maintenance or repairs. Hiring from such companies can be quite disastrous. Your limousine may not show up on time or breakdown mid-way on your journey.

Its also important to know how long has the company whose service you plan to hire been in business. If they are well established, they are obviously more reliable than someone who has just started out a few months ago.

Try and find out how many cars the operator has in its fleet. Just in case the one you have hired breaks down, will they send you another one at once.

Is the operator you're planning on selecting situated close to where you need to be picked up from? That will ensure that they reach you on time.

Its also important to know how old the car you will be driving in is. After all, you don't want to show up in a beaten car at your fancy do. Its also sensible to view the car physically, a few days in advance if possible.

Also check what the rental price includes. Does it include VAT, Drinks, Gratuities etc? Don't ever hesitate to as if your chauffeur is licensed, trained and polite.

Does the company have the appropriate private hire insurance? It's best to view it.

It's also quite sensible if you have written confirmation of the price?

Will you be given a booking confirmation with the itinerary and price included?

What are the payment methods they accept? What is the deposit you have to pay and when is the balance due? It's important to know these in advance to avoid confusion later.

A professional limousine operator will be able to answer all your questions satisfactorily and ensure that you have a smooth and comfortable experience.

Michelle Hawkins is Marketing Manager of Link Sedan & Limousines Inc. - http://www.linksedan.comAlbertina Blog39273
Aggy Blog18192


A hacker is a person who creates and modifies computer software and computer hardware, including computer programming, administration, and security-related items. The term usually bears strong connotations, but may be either favorable or denigrating depending on cultural context (see the Hacker definition controversy). Common definitions include:

1. In computer programming, a hacker is a programmer who hacks or reaches a goal by employing a series of modifications to exploit or extend existing code or resources. For some, "hacker" has a negative connotation and refers to a person who "hacks" or uses kludges to accomplish programming tasks that are ugly, inelegant, and inefficient. This negative form of the noun "hack" is even used among users of the positive sense of "hacker".

2. In computer security, a hacker is a person who specializes in work with the security mechanisms for computer and network systems. While including those who endeavor to strengthen such mechanisms, it more often is used, especially in the mass media, to refer to those who seek access despite them.

3. In other technical fields, hacker is extended to mean a person who makes things work beyond perceived limits through their own technical skill, such as a hardware hacker, or reality hacker.

4. In hacker culture, a hacker is a person who has attained a certain social status and is recognized among members of the culture for commitment to the culture's values and a certain amount of technical knowledge.

Categories of hacker:

The hacker community, the set of people who would describe themselves as hackers or described by others as hackers, falls into at least four partially overlapping categories. Sometimes alternate terms such as "cracker" are used in an attempt to more exactly distinguish which category of hacker is intended, or when attempting to put a contextual distance between the categories due to the Hacker definition controversy.

Hacker: Highly skilled programmer

The positive usage of hacker is one who knows a (sometimes specified) set of programming interfaces well enough to program rapidly and expertly. This type of hacker is well-respected (although the term still carries some of the meaning of hack), and is capable of developing programs without adequate planning or where pre-planning is difficult or impossible to achieve. This zugzwang gives freedom and the ability to be creative against methodical careful progress. At their best, hackers can be very productive. The technical downside of hacker productivity is often in maintainability, documentation, and completion. Very talented hackers may become bored with a project once they have figured out all of the hard parts, and be unwilling to finish off the "details". This attitude can cause friction in environments where other programmers are expected to pick up the half finished work, decipher the structures and ideas, and bullet-proof the code. In other cases, where a hacker is willing to maintain their own code, a company may be unable to find anyone else who is capable or willing to dig through code to maintain the program if the original programmer moves on to a new job.

Additionally, there is sometimes a social downside associated with hacking. The stereotype of a hacker as having gained technical ability at a cost in social ability has historical basis in an uncomfortable amount of factual foundation in many individuals. While not universal, nor even restricted to hackers, the difficulty in relating to others and the often abrasive personalities of some hackers makes some of them difficult to work with or to organize into teams. On the other hand, it is not uncommon for hackers to thrive on social interaction.

Hacker: Computer and network security expert

In the networking sense, a hacker is one who specializes in work with the access control mechanisms for computer and network systems. This includes individuals who work toward maintaining and improving the integrity of such mechanisms. However, the most common usage of hacker in this respect refers to someone who exploits systems or gains unauthorized access by means of clever tactics and detailed knowledge, while taking advantage of any carelessness or ignorance on the part of system operators. This use of hacker as intruder (frequent in the media) generally has a strong negative connotation, and is disparaged and discouraged within the computer community, resulting in the modern Hacker definition controversy.

For such hackers specializing in intrusion, the highly derogatory term script kiddies is often used to indicate those who either claim to have far more skill than they actually have, or who exclusively use programs developed by others to achieve a successful security exploit.

Hacker: Hardware modifier

Another type of hacker is one who creates novel hardware modifications. At the most basic end of this spectrum are those who make frequent changes to the hardware in their computers using standard components, or make semi-cosmetic themed modifications to the appearance of the machine. This type of Hacker modifes his/her computer for performance needs and/or aesthetics. These changes often include adding memory, storage or LEDs and cold cathode tubes for light effects. These people often show off their talents in contests, and many enjoy LAN parties. At the more advanced end of the hardware hackers are those who modify hardware (not limited to computers) to expand capabilities; this group blurs into the culture of hobbyist inventors and professional electronics engineering. An example of such modification includes the addition of TCP/IP Internet capabilities to a number of vending machines and coffee makers during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Hackers who have the ability to write circuit-level code, device drivers, firmware, low-level networking, (and even more impressively, using these techniques to make devices do things outside of their spec sheets), are typically in very high regard among hacker communities. This is primarily due to the enormous difficulty, complexity and specialized domain knowledge required for this type of work, as well as the electrical engineering expertise that plays a large role. Such hackers are rare, and almost always considered to be wizards or gurus of a very high degree.

Hacker stereotypes

There are theoretical types of hackers who are considered to possess an atypical level of skill beyond that of other meanings of the positive form of "hacker", which include the Guru and the Wizard.

In some portions of the computer community, a Wizard is one who can do anything a hacker can, but elegantly; while a Guru not only can do so elegantly, but instruct those who do not know how. In other sub-communities, a Guru is one with a very broad degree of expertise, while a Wizard is expert in a very narrow field. In practice, such exact distinction are usually more at home in a RPG world, and not often heard in actual conversation.

Within the mainstream media, hackers are often characterised as strange, mysterious, reclusive, and especially tricky. This may be seen as an extension of the human tendency to stigmatise what is ill-understood, which used often to be applied to natural philosophers who were often thought by superstitious neighbours to be wizards or mystics. One such example was Leonardo da Vinci, who was thought to be a necromancer due to his extensive (and extraordinary at that time) knowledge of human anatomy and his study of dead bodies.

Ankit Talwar - Web Designer

Ankit Talwar is the owner of He is a Web Designer.Celestyn Blog50966
Aura Blog7362

Why Ask The Professor?

I would like to touch on a subject most students probably never consider, namely, the great importance of asking questions to your professor. Ask! Never let this three letter word disappear from your life, always be sure to ask when in doubt. This will most likely prove to become one of your greatest assets on your long academic journey.

Always inquire your professor about things that might be unclear to you, but only and I repeat, only if this is important and vital for your particular course and only if it's very relevant to the subject. Remember that university/college professors are humans too, I know it's hard to comprehend, and they too hate it when hundreds of irrelevant questions are posed.

If you really want to know the importance of a good question, just ask your self how many times you have received certain important pieces of information through a question. Most likely, this must have occurred hundreds of times, hence my advice to you is:

Do not be afraid to pose a question when you are sure it's both important and relevant to the subject. Also, don't make your question sound sophisticated just to be rendered as sophisticated by the attendees, your asking because you want an answer not due to personal ego. Finally, I would like to end with some words I heard from a dean at Harvard a while ago:

A Question ends with a Question mark

It sounds so simple yet so many people tend to neglect this. I have to say, people are severely annoyed by those who make long winded comments under the disguise of a question. This is often seen on debates or at other types of public speakings, if you have a question, make sure it ends with a question mark! I hope you understood that, didn't you?

Adam Abderisak, a.k.a. "Study Coach" is an education instructor and entrepreneur. His latest work is a study guide entitled "Study Guide Pro". Be sure to visit his website to check out some of the most "lethal" study techniques known to man: Blog18872
Amye Blog27262

Scholarship Application Tips

Applying for a scholarship is not just filling up an application form and hope that you get response. It should involve careful evaluation and understanding of the whole application process so as to get better chances of winning your most desired scholarship.

To help you on this, here are the tips that you should consider before and during your scholarship application:

Begin your search early

Like plane seats, more options come during the early stage of application. In other words, if you begin your search early, you can have better chances of landing on the best scholarship awards possible. Think of it this way: if you only apply on the closing days, most scholarship grants are already awarded to those who apply early or most scholarship applications have already closed. On the other hand, if you search for scholarship early, you can find many sponsors that would certainly increase your chances in winning the scholarship.

Apply early

If you begin your search early, you should also apply early. There is not a single day to waste since many students like you are also battling out to win the same scholarship. However, this does not mean that you apply every single grant you find. You still have to evaluate and

Check your eligibility

There are countless of scholarship grants out there but there are only few that could fit you. To avoid the possible rejection of application, you should check if the scholarship grants and sponsors you are aiming at would fit your need. Read carefully the requirements since this is the best way to know if you are fit with the scholarship that is being offered.

Prepare your requirements early

Never wait for your sponsors to ask for the requirements before you prepare for them. Take note that the sponsors work at a specified timeframes so if you run late on your filling of requirements, you may not get the scholarship.

Create a good application letter

Just like applying writing for a job application letter, the scholarship application letter should show that you are the person to be awarded with the scholarship. Write a good application letter unique from others.

Follow the instruction for writing the essay

Do not go beyond the boundaries of the length limit. Make sure to answer the questions carefully and sincerely. Use simple terms to keep your essay readable.

And finally, check, re-check, and double-check your requirements, essays, letters, and other supporting documents before submitting them to the sponsor.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more information on scholarship & other useful information, please visit Blog65439
Biddy Blog79334

Leveraged Income

Linear Income Vs Passive Income

At a very recent party , during the dinner hours I could meet a very notable industrialist . I am quite younger to him , rather he was quite senior to me age wise too. Incidentally , he happened to be a professional friend of my father , and he had seen me quite young , as a child.

He was quite amazed and asked me , What do you do ? Business my answer. I told him that I run a manufacturing unit , which has 12-13 workmen & 2-3 in staff & get a reasonably good sales turn-over. Here is the conversation between us :

So, this is your business , eh?


I am going out of country for a month , will you join me ?

One month impossible . I cant leave my BUSINESS for a single week also

Dear , if you cant leave your business , its not business , its employment

But I am not orking for anybody

But you are working for yourself & businesses are run without personal presence


I can leave my business for 1 complete year also and when I return , I can see it flourishes

How ? Why its not possible with me ?

In your BUSINESS , YOU are the system , there is no ther system , you are self employed

What is the difference ?

You will get paid till you work : Linear Income , I get paid even if I dont work I have a system & that system works : This is passive income.

The people who have learnt the techniques of making money , passively , are true businessmen , otherwise they are Employees OR self Employed Is not it ?

Robert Kiyosaki , in his all books , stresses heavily on this point. Building many businesses & buying assets is the key by which people become rich , acquire wealth. By working for someone else , we shall not become wealthy , never!

Saumitra M Ghotikar is a young entrepreneur from INDIA , wishes to share with the world , how he is imroving day-to-day , Visit to improve financial wisdomBeth Blog15571
Alison Blog24197

Debt Reduction Your Simple 9 Step Plan

Debt reduction doesn't have to be an overwhelming experience. Who wants to deal with a cure that's more painful than the ailment? Mounting debt is stressful enough then you have to face the task of figuring out just where to start if you want to get rid of it. Then there are all the different angles of attack you can take and that just adds to the frustration.

So here's a simplified approach that will get you started in the right direction for debt reduction. After all, sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective. This 9 step plan can help you get out of debt and stay out.

1. Spend less than you make. Easier said than done, right? I agree, but this is the very first step in any debt reduction effort. And theres no getting around it. The only way to get out of debt is to spend less than you make. The key is to get determined to make it happen.

2. Make a budget. Your budget is your plan. Follow it and it will get you where you want to go. Most people dont like the budgeting part but its absolutely necessary. The key to a budget is dont make it too complicated. You dont need to account for every single penny.

To find your starting point, determine how much you spend each month and what you spend it on. Make a list of all your typical expenses you would have over a one month period. Then you see where you can make cuts and adjustments. Keep finding ways to reduce those expenses until you are spending less than you make. Laying it all out in a budget and sticking to it will help keep your spending under control.

3. Know the difference between good debt and bad debt. Good debt helps you make money in the long run or at least won't help you lose money. Your mortgage and student loans are examples of good debt. Your house usually appreciates over time and an education usually helps you get better paying jobs.

A car loan is neither good nor bad. They tend to be lower interest loans but cars typically don't appreciate in value. So the best thing is to make sure your car loan is manageable and fits within your budget.

All other debt is bad debt. This includes credit card debt, payday advances, and all high interest credit or loans. These are the things that dont appreciate in value and now that you have put them on credit or loan, you just continue to pay for them month after month in the form of interest. So you want to tackle these debts head on in your debt reduction efforts.

4. Choose the one credit card you have that has the lowest interest rate. Make sure the monthly spending limit is within your monthly budget and use this card for emergencies only. Then cut up the rest of your credit cards. Now that you have your lowest interest rate card, never take it with you when you go shopping. Use cash or your debit card only.

5. Take all your bills from your bad debt pile and spread them out where you can see them all. Find out how much you owe by adding up all the minimum monthly payments. You'll want to pay this and more each month in order to pay off all that bad debt. Make sure you don't just pay the minimum or it'll never go away. After all, the name of the game is debt reduction. If this doesnt realistically fit into your monthly budget, then step 6 will help tackle the problem.

6. Consolidate your debt. Getting a debt consolidation loan can make your debt reduction efforts much easier. First, it lumps all of your loans into one loan so your monthly payments are lower and fit within your budget. Second, you can probably get a much lower interest rate than what youre currently paying (especially on credit card debt). Third, it simplifies things. Debt consolidation bundles it all into one loan with one monthly payment which means its easier to keep on top of it.

7. Stack your bill payments. What is this? It happens to be one of the most important things you can do when it comes to debt reduction. Stacking (or snowballing) is a way of accelerating your effectiveness when paying off your debt. This is how it works.

Take your bad debt bills from step 5, and put them in order from highest interest rate charged to lowest. Choose the highest interest rate bill and pay the minimum plus as much extra as you can on that bill, while paying the minimum payments on the rest of the lower interest rate bills. Keep doing that until the highest interest rate bill is completely paid off. Then repeat the process with the next highest interest bill, paying the minimum plus as much extra as possible while paying the minimum payments on the rest of your lower interest rate bills. Because you no longer have that first bill to pay, the extra monthly savings help pay off the second highest bill even faster. Then just keep repeating until they are all paid off.

8. Ask for a lower interest rate. With each of your outstanding credit card bills, call the company and ask for a lower rate. You can explain that you are a loyal customer but you're being offered much lower rates from other companies. This includes the bills for the cards you have already cut up. They don't need to know that you cut up their card. The goal is to pay as little interest as possible while you are trying to get rid of the debt. That way you have more money each month for your debt reduction efforts.

9. Make sure you have enough for emergencies. It's great to be aggressively paying off your debt but you need to plan for the unexpected. You don't want to be on such a tight budget each month that it doesn't allow for a misstep. You need to be in a position where you can make your mortgage payment or car loan payment.

Each of these debt reduction steps is achievable if you put your mind to it. A little willpower and this 9 step plan and instead of stressing about your debts you may find yourself trying to figure out what to do with all your savings.

Thomas Erikson is co-founder of which provides debt consolidation and credit information and solutions.Aprilette Blog32710
Beverlie Blog83065

Tips for International Travel

International travel has a few extra rules to follow. To insure a quality travel experience and to avoid trouble, know these tips.

Always bring your ATM card with you. You will be charged a transaction fee by your bank each time you withdraw cash from an ATM machine, but this is your best bet. Just remember to withdraw a few larger amounts as opposed to daily, smaller amounts to avoid numerous bank charges. Most banks charge $1.50 - $5.00 per transaction. Also, depending on the kind of ATM card you have, you may be able to use it in restaurants/stores if the place of business accepts Visa or Mastercard.

When used as a credit card, it will automatically come out of your checking account. In this case, you won't be charged the bank's normal transaction fee. You must remember that many small villages do not have ATM machines, so plan accordingly. Never go to the exchange store fronts on the street or you will be charged a hefty fee. Also, you should bring the name and phone number (the direct line) of your banker just in case you need funds made available while abroad.

Credit cards are another good option since you will get that current day's exchange rate when you receive your bill upon your return home. Credit cards are widely accepted at hotels, restaurants and shops. It is a good idea to bring two different types (Visa or MasterCard and American Express) in case one is not accepted. Keep in mind that most credit card companies charge an additional fee for using credit cards internationally which is usually between 2-3% so check with your credit card company prior to your departure.

Bring more film than you think you will need since film is usually more expensive overseas. Always check the expiration of any film bought overseas.

Bring your passport and make sure it hasn't expired. Before departure, make a copy of your passport and airline tickets and keep in a separate place.

In Italy, you can also change money in the Italian Post Office. They often have better exchange rates and are open Saturday mornings.

I do not advise bringing traveler's checks. I have found that many restaurants and stores do not accept them because of currency fluctuation but you can exchange them at hotel front desks and banks.

Always bring comfortable, "already-broken in" footwear. Don't make the mistake of bringing brand new shoes! Never bring high heels - they will certainly get stuck in the cobblestones in the small villages. Remember, many of these European villages are very hilly with rocky textures.

Before I pack, I make a habit of checking the weather forecast of the country to which I will be traveling. Also, I bring a light jacket and a small umbrella.

For those die hard shoppers, always bring an extra, collapsible suitcase for those precious purchases. You dont want to break your new possessions by placing smashing them into your packed suitcase.

Expanding on the previous note, if you wish to purchase art/home decor while away, always bring the measurements of that area of your home (i.e. table measurements for tablecloths, bed measurements for linens, etc.)

Don't forget your laptop hardware, chargers (for cell phone, digital camera, etc.) and converters (hairdryer, electric shaver, etc.).

If you don't have a cell phone, remember to bring your home telephone company's Access Codes to be sure you get the best rate in calling home. (Each country has a different access code so call your phone company).

If you want to check your email while away and don't have a laptop, remember to bring your email access website information (i.e. - you will need your username and password). I always bring my Blackberry to Europe since the service provider has international access. Also, bring your address book - you may want to send postcards!

Laundry services are very expensive overseas so if you want to pack lightly, bring some Woolite to rinse out clothes in the sink. Also, make sure you bring an extra pair of sunglasses.

To avoid over packing, check with your hotel to see if they have a hairdryer and an iron/ironing board.

Always pack a swimsuit - even if it's winter, you'll never know if there might be a heated pool or Jacuzzi!

Use village names as landmarks as opposed to route numbers. By taking these precautions and preparations, you can spend your international vacation enjoying yourself and the surroundings without worrying about the little things.

Jo-Ann Gaidosz is the founder of Active Gourmet Holidays, LLC,( which specializes in European Wine Tours, Italian Culinary Tours, French Culinary Tours, Cooking Classes in Italy, and Italian Cooking Schools.Allegra Blog34486
Alexia Blog81881

A Guide to Buying a Property in Italy


An increasing number of foreign nationals have taken to purchasing real estate in Italy over the course of the past fifteen years. The increase in real estate purchases in Italy by foreign nationals really took off following the integration of Europe into the EU. With the advent of the European Union, more and more foreign nationals began purchasing different types of real estate within Italy. This included commercial, residential and speculative investment purchases by foreign nationals.

The vast majority of foreign nationals who have taken to purchasing and owning real estate in Italy are from within one or another of the European Union nations. With that said, British investors have been particularly active in buying and investing in real estate in Italy during the past five to ten years.

The prime real estate purchases in Italy by foreign nationals in recent years have been concentrated fairly heavily in rural regions of the country

Investment Real Estate

As with the other nations that are members of the European Union, Italy has seen a growth in the number of foreign nationals making real estate purchases within that country since the inception of the EU. The common marketplace that was formed with the development of the EU is deemed to be the primary reason as to why there is so much activity in the arena of real estate buying and selling in EU nations such as Italy. A significant amount of the movement in regard to real estate in Italy involves the buying and selling of property for investment purposes.

A significant amount of activity when it comes to investment real estate has involved two primary types of property: commercial or industrial property as well multi-family properties that are used for residential and vacation purposes.

There are no real restrictions on foreign nationals purchasing real estate in Italy beyond a bit higher purchase registration tax that will be discussed later. This holds true for investment real estate as well as other types of real property in Italy.

Residential Real Estate - Single Family Dwellings

The biggest rush of selling when it comes to residential property has occurred outside some of the major cities in Rome. Many foreign nationals have involved themselves in this particular buying spree. Indeed, particularly people from the EU have actively made the purchase of homes and villas in rural areas of Italy to be used as second homes. These people maintain that they are attracted to the easy going and relaxing lifestyle of life in rural Italy. (There have been some motion pictures in recent years set in such environments that many real estate experts in Italy maintain have further spurred the sales of rural residences in the Italian countryside.)

Residential Real Estate - Apartments

When it comes to finding private residences in the larger cities in Italy, apartments remain one of the most popular types of residential property bought and sold in the 21st century. Take for example the city of Rome. Apartments remain one of the most often conveyed forms of real property within the Italian capital city. (Of course, the limited amount of living space and the ever growing population of Rome have combined to make apartments invaluable residential assets in that city.)

Many foreign nationals have invested in apartments in the more major Roman cities over the course of the past decade for two primary reasons. First, these apartments are allowing these foreign nationals a second and oftentimes more affordable residence in one or another of the Roman major cities for their own purposes. Second, many people from other nations are making the purchase of these apartments in the larger cities in Italy to then be let or rented to other individuals.

Generally speaking, these investors who are purchasing apartments in Italy are renting to people who will be in Italy for an extended period of time on business. In the alternative, they are renting these apartments to individuals and families who have elected to spend an extended period of time in Italy, in one of the major Italian cities, on holiday.

Vacation Real Estate

Vacation real estate remains a proverbial hot property in Italy at the present time. The demand for real estate in the major resort communities in Italy have sent the costs of real estate in those communities through the roof. With that said, many of the more healed foreign nationals continue to attempt to make the purchase of nicely situated real estate in the resort communities in Italy.

One of the other areas in which vacation real estate is selling at a brisk pace is in some of the more rural spots in Italy. As mentioned previously, many foreign nationals are taking to purchasing real estate and graceful homes in rural parts of Italy to be used for their second homes. Likewise, many foreign nationals are purchasing real estate in more remote and rural areas of Italy for use on family or other types of vacations and holidays.

In addition to using these properties for their own personal holiday or vacation purposes, many of these same foreign nationals are leasing these properties to other foreign nationals during those times of the year in which these owners are not occupying the properties themselves. As a consequence, many of these foreign nationals have been able to make their vacation properties pay for themselves. Indeed, there are some foreign nationals who have gone so far as to purchase more than one residential property in different locations in Italy. These individuals will use one or another of these residences at different times during the year and let them out to others the remainder of the time. These individuals have found this type of investment to be profitable.

Successfully Purchasing Real Estate in Italy:

Specific Steps to Buying Real Property in Italy.

The real estate sales and purchasing process in Italy is fairly streamlined and not particularly complex. For the most part, a foreign national stands in the same shoes as does an Italian citizen, with one exception. When it comes to the purchase of real property in Italy, a foreign national must pay a 11% purchase registration tax after the sale itself is consummated. An Italian citizen must only pay a 4% purchase registration tax.

In Italy, the first step towards the purchase of real estate is the initial agreement between the parties. Once the initial agreement is signed and executed, there are some primary tasks that must be completed by the parties. For example, the buyer must obtain appropriate and sufficient financing. The seller must work to make certain that title to the property is free and clear of any and all encumbrances so that it can be conveyed to the buyer.

When this initial agreement is signed, the seller will post a deposit in the amount of at least 10% of the total purchase price of the real estate being sold. It is not uncommon in Italy for deposits to run as high as 50% of the overall purchase price of the property. Deposits in Italy tend to be higher than what is seen in many other countries around the world.

Generally speaking, the deposit is not refundable if the buyer simply decides that he or she does not want to buy the property. Indeed, the only real circumstances in which a buyer can obtain a refund of the deposit -- even a hefty deposit of upwards to 50% of the purchase price -- is when the buyer backs out of the deal or in circumstances when clear title to the real estate cannot be obtained within the time set forth in the initial agreement between the parties.

The real estate purchase process is overseen by a notary in Italy. The notary actually has more duties than is normally associated with a notary involved in real estate transactions in other countries the world over. For example, the notary in Italy is responsible for carrying out title searches to work to make certain that the title to the property is free and clear of any obvious defects or liens.

Many real estate experts in Italy recommend that a purchaser take the time to hire what is known as a geometra. The geometra will survey the physical boundaries of the property for sale to make sure that it actually does comport with what is listed on the legal description that is subject to a contract for sale. (These experts maintain that this particularly is important when it comes to older properties in Italy.)

The real estate purchasing process can take upwards to six months to complete in Italy. For this reason, unlike in many other countries around the world, it is a commonplace occurrence for a purchaser to move into residential property after the initial agreement is signed. In most countries around the world, the purchaser does not take possession of the property until the final agreement is executed and the deed to the property is transferred from the seller to the buyer.

Les Calvert - an authority on overseas property and the Director of has written many articles on Italy and other popular countries reagrding purchasing overseas property.Abbi Blog37890
Carlyn Blog71758



The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") has again rejected a plan to roll-out a new domain - .XXX for websites in the Adult Entertainment Business.

Arguments for the .XXX domain would seem to be that it would provide a verifiable location for those Internet users seeking Adult Content on the web. By allowing only Adult Content, the .XXX could prevent unauthorized and/or underage users from accessing Adult Sites. Having one site for Adult Content would also purportedly protect other Internet users from confronting such material in the non - .XXX areas.

Arguments against have been that .XXX would be difficult if not impossible to regulate by ICANN and/or others. Furthermore, Adult Industry owners worry that creating the .XXX will lead to further regulation of the industry in the form of taxes, fees and the like specific to the .XXX domain. Religious and other groups have also complained that creating the .XXX domain would lead to an increase in Adult Content websites.

Free speech issues also arise in determining what would fall in the .XXX domain and what would not, and regulating same. Further, forcing users out of other areas and into the .XXX area raises many other issues.

Myriad other issues arise when considering intellectual property rights and the .XXX domain. The domain could add significant costs to large companies who would need to register their trademark and service marks in the .XXX domain to prevent infringement. Additional costs would be dispute resolution procedures which could become necessary.

Perhaps market forces could come into play here. Maybe ICANN could authorize .XXX, but place no limitations on its use, such as with .COM. Market forces then could determine whether the domain became the search of choice for those seeking Adult Content. The IP issues mentioned above, however, could weigh against this approach.

© Copyright 2006-2007 Michael D. Stewart

Michael D. Stewart, Esq.Alexia Blog81881
Brynne Blog84596

Golf Schools Provide A 'Way Out'

Many Americans find themselves forced to choose between poverty and risking injury in a dangerous job. As Nick Helms, a San Diego Golf Academy student who lost his father in a mining accident, has found, an education in golf can provide a path out of this type of existence.

Nick Helms knows better than anyone what can happen in a dangerous job, such as mining: in early January of 2006, his father and 12 other miners were trapped in an explosion in the Sago Mine, located in West Virginia. Only one of the miners made it out alive.

Despite the danger inherent in these jobs, many miners continue with the work simply because they have no choice. There are few other jobs in the area that can offer a comparable income. Terry Helms had been a coal miner for 35 years, and he knew well the dangers involved; in fact, he strove to keep his son from facing the same dangers by encouraging Nick to pursue a better life.

Like many others before him, Nick Helms found his escape at the San Diego Golf Academy. Determined to pursue his dream career as a professional golfer, the younger Helms enrolled at the SDGA-Myrtle Beach golf school. With state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, resources such as golf job placement services, and more than 30 years worth of successful graduates in the field, SDGA will provide Nick with all the education and resources he needs to pursue a successful golf career.

As Sports Illustrated Online reported in its June 14th article, To Honor the Father, pursuing his dream career is Nicks way of honoring Terry Helms wishes. As a San Diego Golf Academy student, Nick will gain an education that will ensure his future, protecting him from the need to put his own life on the line in order to pay the bills or feed his family.

Andy West is a freelance writer and communications specialist for SDGA. San Diego Golf Academy is a premier golf school with five locations across the United States. For more information on San Diego Golf Academy golf schools and opportunities for golf jobs, please visit Blog15646
Bobbi Blog75563

Getting Your First Computer

Have you ever wanted to buy your dream computer? You have save your monthly income to buy it but you did not know what specification you should choose since there are lot of choices in the market today.

Beside budget, below are the important factors that you should look into when buying a computer. They are the operating system, processor speed, graphic card capability, power supply, hard disk, and the monitor. Take a look at this simple guide and I hope that you will have a nice computer buying experience later.

Build it yourself or ask somebody else?

Firstly before stepping into choosing the suitable hardware, a question that you should ask to yourself is whether do you want to build your own computer or ask somebody to build it for you?

>From my experience, it is better to ask somebody else to build it for you if this is the first time you want to buy your own computer. You can always learn to know about your computer hardware and software later. But, do not forget to assist the salesperson and ask him or her anything that you did not know about your computer. He might give you some tips of what should do and shouldnt do with your computer during the building process.

Choosing the hardware

Now, we will look into buying hardware for your computer. Your computer hardware determines your computer speed. There are lots of factors that affect how well your computer will perform as well.

The Processor

Nowadays, two big companies are in the race of getting the fastest processor for mainstream are the Intel Corporation and Advanced Micro Device (AMD). What Im going to tell you is not which one of them are the best, but some aspect of processor that you should know.

The greater the processor clock your processor have, the better performance it will be. As example, a 3.0 gigahertz Intel Pentium Processor will beat the 2.0 gigahertz version of the same processor. But there are bottlenecks that limit performance in other places such as the caches size and latency, power consumption, and temperature.

So, for conclusion it always better to choose a processor that have least power consumption, large cache size with low latency, and capable of running fast in well-accepted temperature such as 34 Celsius, and have the latest feature such as support for dual-core and 64-bit computing.

Remember, dont compare different type of processor performance with clock speed since its proven by AMD that clock speed did not influences the performance of the processor very much unlike the 1998 era.

The Monitor

Prefer choosing a LCD monitor over CRT Monitor. No heavy lifting required with a LCD monitor since they weigh less than half the average CRT monitor. LCD monitors require half the power of CRTs and emit much less electromagnetic radiation which can interfere with other electronic devices.

Talking about the LCD size, 17-inch is enough already since it give the best support to resolution that operating system widely use nowadays (1024 by 786 pixels). But, if you want to keep your computer for a long time or want to use to make it as part of your Digital Media Centre, LCD Monitor with larger than 19 inch size is recommended.

The Graphic Card

A graphic card is a must have for modern computer today. Never intend to use integrated graphic since it will greatly slow down your computer. PC graphic such as photos and videos will require a lot of processing power. Without the help from graphic card, the CPU needs to handle all the system and graphic processing.

Choosing a graphic card is easy depends with how you use your computer. If you did not run any games, graphic card without latest features is acceptable. Just make sure that the graphic card supports the incoming operating system from Microsoft, Windows Vista. Since a high-end graphic card will require high power for SLI or crossfire function, if you want to save your electric bills, consider mid-range graphic card which usually sold at 150-250 dollar.

Power supply

The higher the wattage that a power supply support, the better it is. If you want to purchase additional hardware for your computer later such as USB optical mouse there wont be a problem for you since a decent power supply will supports your need. A good power supply is the power supply that can give out as much 500 watt of power or higher than that.

Hard Disk

An internal hard disk with latest Sata 2.0 (serial ATA) support will serve you perfectly. Other than that, the size of the hard disk should be big since you might want to store a lot of pictures, music, and movies later. 200GB hard disk is the regular specification nowadays. If you want to keep your hard disk for a long time, 500 GB would be enough.

How many hard disks should you buy? The minimum is one but I recommend you to get two hard disks for your computer. One will be for main operating system and the other one for storing your personal data. This is essential to avoid those data from clutter together. Moreover, your computer performance might increase if you use two hard disks. This is because the computer can access the operating system files directly from its own drive.

The Operating System

For the best user experience, operating system from Microsoft such as Windows XP still dominates the market nowadays. Since lots of people using it, getting support would not be hard. Just go to a tech support forum and your software-related computer problem will be solved there. Although you can use Linux operating system for free, it is not recommended because not all hardware supports Linux.

Well, thats all for now. Your journey to build your dream computer should not end here. Ask your friends for some advices such as a good computer hardware shop in the town or their past experiences in buying their computer. Thus, you will not feel regretted with what youre going to buy.

Muhamad Fuad is a full-time technology blogger who has a lot of interest to information technology. With the past-pace growing technology world, he is willing to learn new things everyday to be shared with his blog readers. Go to his blog now to see the latest thing that he discovered.Caye Blog96435
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